Effect Of Cornell Note-taking Method On The Enhancement Of Listening Assimilation Skills
Résumé: Note-taking strategy is a useful tool for improving the listening comprehension skill. However; it is reasonable to expect how difficult it is to take notes from lectures in a foreign language without its strategies instruction. This study aims to shed light on the importance of mastering note taking techniques for enhancing listening comprehension skill. To this end, the study was conducted on 60 first year EFL learners and 12 teachers of English language at Yahia Fares University of Medea. Qualitative and quantitative methods were adopted for this study .In addition, the data collection tools used in this study include interviews with teachers along with questionnaires given to students. There is also an attempt to conduct an experiment concerning the use of the Cornell taking notes method for thirty first year EFL learners. The participants were randomly divided into two groups: note takers using their own method and note-takers using the Cornell method. Next, they were asked to take notes of their teacher’s lecture. The research results show that instruction on note-taking techniques could achieve positive effect on listening comprehension enhancement.
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