Understanding Intercultural Differences Through Sociolinguistic Knowledge The Case Of Third Year Lmd Students Of English At Batna 2 University
Résumé: Introducing the intercultural approach into foreign languages education has become one of the fertile areas of inquiry of the 21st century that seeks to establish theoretical and practical frameworks to develop learners' intercultural communicative competence. Nevertheless, in the department of English at Batna 2 University, such objective of promoting the intercultural abilities is not targeted in EFL classroom practices and instructions because the traditional approach of culture teaching that implies the transmission of factual information about the foreign culture is still prevailing. As sociolinguistics' courses offer useful insights about the bond between language and culture, the present study is concerned with the investigation of the role of sociolinguistics in developing third-year learners' intercultural competence. This research aims at transcending the traditional culture-teaching approach and bringing innovation to the teaching of sociolinguistics by introducing the intercultural dimension to help EFL learners understand and appreciate the intercultural differences and to develop their skills to manage potential misunderstandings. To examine how and to what extent sociolinguistics' courses can be exploited to achieve this objective, an experiment is conducted on a sample of 64 students from the third-year level. In addition, a questionnaire is administered to teachers of sociolinguistics in the department of English at Batna 2 University to collect information about their perceptions of the integration of the intercultural dimension in sociolinguistics' courses. The analysis and the interpretation of the collected data confirm that the teaching of sociolinguistics is an important opportunity that should be exploited to improve learners' intercultural abilities, including knowledge, skills and attitudes as they stress the necessity to develop not only learners' but also teachers' intercultural competence
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