Legal Translation By First Year Master Students, Process And Strategies: Towards Enhancing Students’ Ability To Translate Legal Terms From English Into Arabic
Articles Scientifiques Et Publications

Université Tahar Moulay De Saida

Sekhri, Ouided

Résumé: The aim of this article is to tackle the translation process among first year Master students in the Department of Arts and English at the University of Frères Mentouri, Constantine 1, when they are given a legal text. For that, it is hypothesised that: if First Year Master students of English, Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, know about the contextual meaning of legal terms and use appropriate translation strategies, they will be able to provide right Arabic equivalents. To test this hypothesis, a legal text is given to twenty-four students to test their ability of translating legal terms, and the strategies they follow to do so. It seems that they tend to use literal translation and, sometimes, free translation as the commonest general strategies. Lastly, this article suggests some recommendations.


legal terminology
legal translation
translation strategies
students of English

Publié dans la revue: الإشعاع

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