The Use Of Ict’s In Language Education And Its Effectiveness In Enhancing The Listening Skill Case Of Second Year Efl Students At The University Of Ghardaia
Mémoire de Master
Langues Étrangères

Université Abou Bekr Belkaid - Tlemcen

Baaliousaid, Youcef

Résumé: The present work aims at exploring and studying the impact of the use of ICT‟s on language education and its effectiveness on enhancing students‟ language listening skill. The researcher chooses the second year EFL learners at the University of Ghardaia to be the case study. To make the research reliable, the researcher uses two research tools: the questionnaire which is directed to the students, and the semistructured interview which addresses some of their teachers. The objectives of this research is exploring the situation of using ICT‟s by the students and teachers at the Department of English, and revealing their awareness and perspectives towards its impact on education, in addition to discovering its effectiveness and usefulness in enhancing the language listening skill. The data obtained through the research tools are analyzed by both quantitative and qualitative methods. After analyzing the data collected from the research, the main findings show that ICT‟s are partially used at EFL Department at the University of Ghardaia for achieving educational purposes. Also, the students and teachers have a consensus that ICT‟s have double edged impact on education, and they may support language listening skill.


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