نمذجة التخطيط الاستراتيجي التنموي في مؤسسات إنتاج الأدوية
Articles Scientifiques Et Publications

Université Hassiba Ben Bouali - Chlef

فاطمة الزهراء, داودي

Résumé: In this article, we try to develop theoretical proposals that address the break-up between strategic planning and the development, which we have clearly demonstrated in Biocar “Medicaments Production Company”, whose management is difficult to realize its development goals of producing generic medicament that society needs. This led us to resort to the process of dropping the strategic planning model in all its stages, and to build a vision commensurate with the physical, human and organizational potential of the company on the basis of scientific and feasible field contribute to bridge the strategic gap that hinder the achievement of development goals that correspond to the aspirations of the company and community, this requires the management of the company to follow a model that combines the elements of strategic planning and development requirements that embody the concept of strategic development planning for any kind of economic companies aimed at realizing the development goals that are compatible with the general policies of the state.


strategic planning
development role.

Publié dans la revue: مجلة اقتصاديات شمال افريقيا

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