تنمية المهارات اللغوية لدى المتعلم -اللغة العربية في التعليم الابتدائي عينة-
Thèse de Doctorat
Langue Et Littérature Arabe

Université Kasdi Merbah - Ouergla

جخراب, سعاد

Résumé: The study dealt with the « Development of the language skills of the learner in the Arabic language primary education sample », and treated the following questions: 1 The firm belief that the child has the ability to listen when he enters school, then grow with him naturally like walking and talking, This belief means listening is not a skill for education and training, and thus to the growth and development of education and the ignorance of some teachers to the concept of listening and how to teach and develop. 2 - There is no scientific approach to teach to speak like the rest of the other linguistic arts such as reading or some branches such as texts or rhetoric, This places a great burden on Arabic teachers in teaching this art, How can they teach him? 3 How can the teacher create the appropriate environment for the student to gain experience during the reading process through a good reading program that instills and develops literacy tendencies and possess the basic skills of reading, such as word recognition and understanding of the meaning and knowledge of the main ideas of what he reads? 4 Writing is a term that has several mental images, Is it a process or a skill? And where is the line in this whole matter? And other questions that contributed to our selection of this study. The work on the subject requires a plan of preparation, five chapters and a conclusion. In the preface, we discussed the nature, philosophy and objectives of primary education, and the most important experiences and skills that the primary school to provide for its students in the first subject The second topic addresses the characteristics of the learner. Emotional,Cognitive, and personal, the third topic deals with the definition and teaching of the language, and the scientific and linguistic foundations for the construction of Arabic language curricula in primary education. The curricula of the Arabic language were presented in the Algerian school by analysis, the terms on which the study was based were dealt with in a fourth section that included the following terms: readiness, and capacity, and skill, and the talent. This preface was followed by the first chapter, listening, dealing with the nature of listening in the first topic, objectives and levels of listening, and in the second section, types of listening and teaching procedures in the third subject, the fourth topic was listening skills, the second chapter speaks in four chapters, the first topic dealt with its concept and nature, the second topic dealt with the steps of teaching speech and oral expression and its obstacles. The third topic deals with the fields and methods of oral expression. In the fourth subject, the written expression of the importance, methods, subjects and basic trends in teaching and correcting the mistake and its most important skills. The third chapter is the reading in four questions, first reading and problems in primary school, Second, reading comprehension, Grammar grammar, Fourth linguistic assessment. The fourth chapter of the writing came in three questions is the beginning of writing, Second writing and calligraphy, 3. Dictation and punctuation, Where it contained many applied models. The fifth chapter was a field study of the most important problems encountered by the teacher of the Arabic language in primary school by counting the percentages through the identification and placement of the results in the table and comment and comment on the items. This was the conclusion of the research, which highlighted the main points of the study and summarized our findings.


مهارة الاستماع
مهارة التعبير (التحدث)
مهارة القراءة
مهارة الكتابة
الكفايات التدريسية لمعلم اللغة العربية
"compétence d'écoute"
'compétence\r\nd’expression (parler)
compétence de lecture
compétence d’écriture
compétences\r\npédagogiques du professeur de langue arabe
listening skill
speech skill (speaking)
reading skill
writing skills
teaching skills of arabic language teacher
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