Impact Of Pre-vocabulary Teaching On Efl Elementary Learners' Reading Comprehension A Case Study Of Third Year Middle School Pupils At Madani Rahmoun Middle School Of Biskra
Mémoire de Master
Langue Et Littérature Anglaise

Université Mohamed Khider - Biskra

Maaoui, Ikram

Résumé: Abstract Reading comprehension is deemed to be crucial task to EFL elementary learners’ gradual development of language ability. It is particularly important at the primary stages of learning a foreign language as learners first explore the target language’ both structure and meaning through text reading. It is; however, observed that EFL elementary learners frequently encounter comprehension deficiencies while reading due to the inability to recognize the meaning of some English vocabulary words which will; consequently, impede comprehension and decrease their reading motivation. Therefore, instructors have discussed how vocabulary pre-teaching generates adequate text comprehension and understanding. Accordingly, the present study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of vocabulary pre-instructions as a systematic teaching of reading comprehension to elementary learners of English. Moreover, it sought to identify both middle school teachers and pupils’ attitudes towards integrating vocabulary instructions within EFL programs devoting a definite instructional time. The hypothesis states that the pupils who are prevocabulary taught can comprehend what they read and; therefore, adequately answer comprehension questions, which will, in turn, motivate them to read and to learn new vocabulary. The hypothesis was tested through three observation sessions where vocabulary instructions were implemented and pupils’ performance was evaluated with the sample third-year middle school pupils. In an attempt to explore different attitudes and perceptions towards pre-teaching vocabulary, a qualitative approach was used in this study within which three research methods were opted, namely; participant observation, teachers’ questionnaire, and focus group discussion. The analysis and interpretation of the collected data revealed the following findings; vocabulary instructions helped elementary learners better comprehend and identify text ideas through the recognition of words’ meaning. Therefore, pupils were able to answer comprehension questions correctly. Thus, it is assumed that the hypothesis was validated and confirmed; integrating vocabulary instructions actually improves EFL elementary learners’ reading comprehension.


efl elementary learners
reading comprehension
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