Evaluating The Cultural Components Of Third Year Middle School Textbook "my Book Of English - Book Three ''
Résumé: The present research is an attempt to examine the way culture is introduced in the third year middle school textbooks “My Book Of English: Book Three ” . Precisely , this examined Throughout an analysis of the cultural content presented in the textbook as well as the integration of the target culture within the process of teaching English as a foreign language. The premise is that the third year middle school textbook " My Book of English " does not provide sufficient content for culture teaching. To validate this hypothesis,a questionnaire is given to 15 english teachers at three middle schools in El-Milia namely “Mohamed Zouikri”, “Bghidja Ahmed” And “Kahal Abd-Elaziz” ; to provide answers to a set of questions in a questionnaire as a tool of research on the one hand. On the other hand, a checklist for analyzing the cultural content of “My Book of English : Book Three” was set as the second instrument. The obtained results have revealed that the cultural components are not adequately covered within the textbook . That is , the finding make it clear that the textbook is shallow and superficial with respect to its treatment of culture . In addition ,some recommendation have been directed in order to help students reach cultural understanding to accompany their linguistic one.
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