The Effect Of Mind Map In Enhancing Student’s Proficiency Of Reading Expository Text
Résumé: The objective of this study is to test the effectiveness of mind mapping in improving second year EFL student’s reading comprehension of Expository texts at the University of Jijel. To achieve this objective, a hypothesis was formulated stating that there is a positive effect of mind mapping on reading comprehension. To test this hypothesis, a reading test was developed following the Cambridge English Qualifications tests to ensure valid assessment. The subjects of this study were 34 second- year students of English at the University of Jijel. The study was carried out with two groups; the control and the experimental group. The result of the study showed that mind mapping strategy as a reading strategy has a positive effect on student’s reading comprehension of expository text. The score of the experimental group (13.29) is noticeably higher than that of the control group (11.26). From the result of the statistic calculation; it becomes clear that the hypothesis is validated. Therefore, teaching reading comprehension of expository text with the implementation of mind mapping technique/strategy is effective
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