Strategic Examination Regarding Currentand Future Investment Potential
Articles Scientifiques Et Publications

Université Larbi Ben M'hidi - Om-el-bouaghi

Mehdi, Namoune
Victoria, Petuhava

Résumé: The topic is “A Strategic Analysis of the Company PUMA AG,the Structure, Financials and Business Environment of this company and some investment recommendations will be given In the first part of the research, a description of the Industry, History and Structure of PUMA and its Brand will be looked at. In addition, we will look “inside PUMA” to tell more about staff, worldwide divisions and sourcing. Next, some information about Investors Relations and General Economic conditions will be shown to try to give a clearer picture of how the company is doing in the market.


the Company PUMA

Publié dans la revue: التحدي

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